Random Theme WordPress Plugin

After long not programming , finally i get idea to make random theme wordpress plugin

The idea is simple . In wordpress plugin there are a lot of random wordpress plugin just like random post , banner , image , gallery etc but not exist random theme.

So i make it based on another plugin.

After 3 days research and programming  finally i can make it .

I call it Random Theme .

It will display random theme when visitor come to your website. So just choose nice themes for your website at least 2 themes.

You can see the demo here : http://reviews.wpamanuke.com/

Free Blogpedia MultiPurpose Blog WordPress Theme

After 1 month coding . Finally i can release blogpedia, a free wordpress theme for blog. It based on bootstrap 3, owlcarousel , fontawesome. It just wordpres code for my practice coding skill , so the content is simple. I have plan to submit it in wordpress.org after my first theme approved. It has been approved in wordpress.org . You can download blogpedia wordpress theme .
It still have many lack features , like styling color , widget , etc . But i have plan for iteration to make it better.  Blogpedia is my second theme this year. So just wait my another free wordpress theme. If you have any ideas what type theme / plugins which you want , just comment on this post. I have less ideas what type theme / plugins lol.

How To Use Slider in Home :

  1. Just login to your wordpress admin panel
  2. From your WordPress admin panel click Apperance -> Customize 
  3. Click Theme Options -> Magazine Template -> Header Slider -> Enable
  4. Just choose Category and Post Count

How To Use Top Slider in Home :

  1. From your WordPress admin panel click Apperance -> Customize 
  2. Click Theme Options -> Magazine Template -> Top Feature -> Enable
  3. Than choose category and number of post count which you want

If you want to use menu with social icons and top menu , just choose Theme Options -> Layout -> Header Type -> Type 1.

If you want to customize background color than just choose Theme Options -> Layout -> Layout Type -> Boxed

Simple HTML Tutorial

HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. Before you code wordpress theme, first you must learn html and css. HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. Because HTML describe structure of web pages using markup and the markup is element to build html block.
The most basic html document is like this :

    <!DOCTYPE html>


  • The <head> element contains meta information about the document
  • The <body> element contains the visible page content

Here is simple standard HTML Document

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>My Title</title>
        <h1>My Heading</h1>
        <p>My Paragraph.</p>

The output above html will be like this :

Because the output still plain , you need to styling the html with css. Styling here means coloring , font-size , padding etc.
Here the sample styling with embedded css ( using style ) :

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>My Title</title>
            h1 {
                color: #ff0000;
                font-size: 50px;
                text-transform: uppercase;
            p {
                color: #0000ff;
                font-size: 30px;
        <h1>My Heading</h1>
        <p>My Paragraph.</p>

And here is the output

I hope this simple html tutorial help you to know very basic HTML and CSS

How To Make Simple Basic WordPress Theme From Scratch For Beginner

Before you make wordpress theme from scratch. You must know basic about html , css , php and javascript.
Just know the basic only is enough for learning purpose. But if you still don’t know the basic , just try it first and try improve later.
Actually to make simple wordpress theme basic which work , you only need 2 files :
1. index.php
2. style.css
Because it’s only introduction for wordpress theme code for very beginner programmer .
So i only will make that 2 file .
First you need to make folder /wp-content/themes/mysimplebasic
and create 2 files index.php and style.css
Just file index.php like this :

    if ( have_posts() ) :
        while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
            echo '<div class="msb-post">';
                    '<header class="entry-header"><h3 class="entry-title"><a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '" rel="bookmark">',
                echo '<div class="entry-summary">';
                echo '</div>';
            echo '</div>';
    else :
        echo "There is no post";

And create style.css like this :

Theme Name: MySimpleBasic
Theme URI: http://wpamanuke.com/how-to-make-simple-basic-wordpress-theme-from-scratch-for-beginner/
Description: Very Simple Basic WordPress Theme For Beginner
Author: WPAmaNuke
Author URI: http://www.wpamanuke.com/
Version: 1.0.1
Tags: one-column
Text Domain: mysimplebasic
Domain Path: /languages/
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

That’s it. You just create very basic wordpress theme.

Secret Tools For Web Developer For Perfect Pixel Website Design

Because i’m a web developer , i didn’t too notice pixel perfect from the design ( just like padding , size , margin etc) So often website which i have developed get protest from website designer / client because it’s not pixel perfect. So after some year and get more experience, Here are some tools which i use to make website which  perfect pixel with website design :

  • PixelSake : It’s a tool to measure 2 element in screen automatically using mouse , save object to png and color picker . So you can save hours than measure 2 element manually. You can see the video here :
  • PerfectPixel  Add Ons (It’s available in Chrome and Firefox). It will load your website design to your live website and you can do comparison if it has been pixel perfect lively
  • ColorZilla Add Ons (Availabe in Chrome and Firefox) for pick color
  • PixelZoomer Add Ons (Availabe in Chrome and Firefox) for measure manually and it also have pick color too.
  • Firefox Web Developer Inspector. You can use default Firefox Inspector for measure manually, just use Tools -> Web Developer -> Inspector , Click Toolbox Options (it’s an icon in the bottom right (usually icon number three from right)) , Available Toolbox Buttons and Just check   Measure Portion of a Page
  • Dimension Add Ons (Available in Chrome) for Measure Automatically , It’s suitable if the image / screen has no gradient color.

That’s all tool which i use to make better wordpress theme pixel perfect .

HCJ Code Editor WP Plugin for Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML online

HCJ Code Editor WordPress Plugin is a plugin which  allows you to write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in realtime and preview the results on the same page. It’s almost same as JSFiddle or Codepen , but more simple. I made it for my collection HTML , CSS , JS Code and practicing my programming. Also i want to organize my simple code based on category and modify the theme.
I suggest if you want to use it , just using in your localhost only and not in production hosting. Because it allow execute javascript
Because it allow output and execute javascript , i think it will not be approved in wordpress.org repository so i upload it in my github.
If you want to download. Just through my github here.
From making this plugin , i learn about


to make custom template theming from plugin , create custom post and how to use ace editor.

Resume CV WordPress Plugin

Create Resume / CV easily with WordPress. Perfect way tools that help you to make positive impression. This minimal and modern design will highlight your most relevant features to get you noticed and create a consistent voice of your personal brand in all communications. To use this plugin :

  • Create a Page and choose Template : Resume CV Template
  • In the admin area . Click Resume CV and do modification than save
  • Just go to page url to see the resul

Features :

  • Profile
  • Contact
  • Qualification
  • Experience
  • Education
  • Hobby
  • Skill

You can download resume cv plugin from wordpress.org.
And you can see the demo here : resume template demo

If you want to make it as PDF / PNG / JPG . You can use google chrome and Full Page Screen Capture Addons. Here is the addons : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/full-page-screen-capture/fdpohaocaechififmbbbbbknoalclacl . After you install it in google chrome. Just open your resume, than on the google chrome on the right above click the icon Full Page Screen Capture (camera icon). After that if you want to conver it as PDF , there is PDF choice button on that addons

Free NYSU Magazine WordPress Theme

NYSU WP Theme is a wordpress magazine theme with SEO Schema. I still experiment with this.
Here is some Schema which i use :

  • WebPage
  • WebPageElement
  • SiteNavigationElement : for menu from wp_nav_menu
  • Brand : Logo and Web URL
  • WPSideBar : Sidebar
  • BreadCrumbList : for menu on single
  • Organization : for social network link
  • Comment

For Microformat

  • hatom
  • hentry
  • hcard

Here are some features which i have addded :

  • 1 column / 2 column
  • fullwidth / box
  • slider using owlcarousel
  • ticker news using marquee


For Slider and Widget Sliders only posts with featured images which will be shown. Post without images will be ignored. So make sure the post has featured images if you want to use sliders


  1. Just download NYSU Magazine WordPress Theme
  2. Login to your wordpress admin panel
  3. From Appearance -> Themes -> Add New -> Upload Themes
  4. Just choose the zip file and follow the instruction

HOW TO USE SPECIAL Widget NYSU Magazine Theme

  1. Add New Page and Give Title
  2. On Template (on the right) choose Magazine Template than Save
  3. Click Appearance -> Widgets
  4. Just Drag the Special Widget , For Example : NYSU Block 1 – Mag (12/12) is for Mag (12/12) .. Just see the number sequence for good result.
  5. See Page which you have made

HOW TO USE Site Origin Page  Builder with this theme :

  • Install Site Origin Page Builder from wordpress.org
  • Install NYSU SOPB Fix Pluginnysu-sopb-fix to handle excerpt widget problem when using Page Builder By SiteOrigin
  • Just add Page or Post
  • Choose Template which have SOPB (Site Origin Page Builder)
  • Save the Page or Post


How To Add Adsense Code on the header :

  • Click Appearance -> Widgets
  • Add Custom HML Widget to Header Ads
  • Just Paste your adsense code and save it

Flat CMS

Flat CMS is CMS which doesn’t use database. So the file is saved as text file. Here is some Flat CMS based on PHP which i have found which support MarkDown Format :

  • Grav : It is modern flat file CMS which is good , I just explore this a little . I’m still searching how to do pagination. And the file is big about >4 MB without admin and 15 MB for admin (in zip file) . So it’s not suitable for my web hosting
  • PicoCMS : another flat CMS. It’s good but not found yet about pagination yet for many text files
  • HTMLy : I think it’s the most suitable for my website. It support pagination and easy to make theme. It has twentyeleven wordpress theme too. Only one problem about handling $date_format not initialize. So i just add $date_format = “%d %M %Y”; if there is error in the code.

So if you want to use Flat CMS in PHP. My suggestion is using HTMLy

Experiment Create WordPress Theme To Submit WordPress.Org in 2018

Here is my experiment in 2018 to develop wordpress theme which is free which will be uploaded to wordpress.org.  This year (2018)  ,  i success upload my first Coming Soon WP Plugin AmaUCP ( a plugin to show underconstruction / coming soon page ) in wordpress.org which take only 3 days for approvement. I want to try upload a free wordpress theme, because my my plugin not succesfull only 3 download in a week :))  ( Just like my 2012  plugin which i had forgotten the password for uploading, so this year  i make a new account ) . Although it’s fail,  but it’s ok , it’s just a hobby project.  I want to make 6 – 12 free small high quality programs in a year which i hope can be usefull and have many users. It can be WordPress related or Android App or Any Programming Related Project .
So before theme development  some months ago, i have made some research . And here is i think some free themes / plugin which can become base for my magazine theme :

  • MH Magazine Lite : I have compared some free themes and i like the coding of MH Magazine , it’s very structure and i really like the code. It’s unussual code because using many do_action but after i see it, I now understand why it’s very success .
  • Stargazer : this theme has social menu which can become menu social icon. After i see it , the social icon menu just using css based on the url. Another wow. I have never thought about this trick.  Here is the sample css of Stargazer :
    #menu-social li a[href*="pinterest.com"]::before {
  • News Portal : this theme has repeater social icon and news ticker. I don’t know yet what what repeater field will be used for in customizer. But i like the concept of repeater programming because i have not seen it before except when using kirki plugins.
  • Simple Category Posts Widget : this plugin can make multiple categories selection in widget
  • Loco Translate : It can make po file for translation.

And here my requirement for my theme :

  • Using Bootstrap for responsive screen
  • It must support Site Origin Page Builder  : I like the page builder , it can include the widget  too in the builder column.
  • SEO Friendly
  • Using WordPress Coding Standard
  • Simple and Fast

Some notes. Free Themes which are uploaded in wordpress.org must be tested using :

  • Theme Check : to check the standard code in theme
  • Theme Sniffer. ( Just download Option 1 : Easy . There is a zip file for releases code . If you download using Clone/Download you must install node and do the hardway )
  • Query Monitor
  • Debug Bar
  • Log Deprecated Notices
  • Monster Widget
  • WordPress Beta Tester
  • Regenerate Thumbnails

I thinks those theme will be good concept for my magazine theme.  I have made it 50% and i think it will be completed in some weeks.
Update :
I have uploaded my theme version 1.0.0 on 5 Febuary 2018 . Just using https://wordpress.org/themes/upload/
After i upload it, the website directly ask to reupload with version 1.0.1 , so which i must do only change style.css with version 1.0.1.
After that show scan message :

Just need some weeks to know if it’s approved or not

Here is the result (16 April 2018):

  • First upload 5 Febuary 2018 . Get Open Status.
  • After wait 8 weeks , get review 29 March 2018 , need 3 days to fix error and requirement. Get Reviewing Status
  • After that still wait 7 days (not finished yet) to talk about license. It seem because i have portfolio in themeforest and preview which link  to 404 error page my free theme (  i move web server and themeforest html template which was made 4 years ago link to 404 error page ,because i forget to upload the html template) . Another problem, i have PSD which convert to theme by another user because i sell the copyright license (4 years ago ) , so i have been asked about relation with the another user ,  just still waiting (7 April 2018) . I think the license problem is the most retiring lol . ( I think , i more prefer make wordpress plugin than theme lol , it’s easier. So if you have any ideas about plugins just give me inputs in the comment form ) . Finally it get status approved (7 April 2018)  and now enter Final Review: Approved Themes Not Yet Live  for another testing review
  • So before you upload themes in wordpress.org just make sure if you sell WordPress Theme which have GPL License in your website / marketplace. Because GPL License it’s about pilosophy  . And make clear about license in readme.txt about license javascript , images with url , inspiration theme etc .
  • Finally my free themes live approved (26 April 2018) . You can see here : NYSU Magazine on WordPress.org
  • So here the process
    • 5 Febuari 2018 : First Upload (Status : Open)
    • 29 March 2018 : (Status : Reviewing)
    • 7 April 2018 : (Status : Approved)
    • 26 April 2018 : (Status: Live)
    • Take 12 weeks to get wordpress theme live for newbies like me.
    • For update theme which has status live , it will be auto approved by themetracbot

Anyway here are some references which i have found , for you who want to upload theme to wordpress.org

Hope it’s usefull