Amazon affiliate program is way of making money online internet. It has a lot of products and very usefull Web Service for it’s affiliate. The product is almost 20 millions items. So we don’t need worry to lack product which we can promote. And it always grow everymonth. We can use the web service to collect data products. One which is famous are Fresh Store Builder. It use ASIN (Amazon Standard Item Number) to get data from AWS (Amazon Web Service). If we collect the ASIN one by one , it will take a lot of times. That’s why i program AMAZON ASIN Collector . It use Javascript , Bookmarklets and DOM Technology. I use Bookmarklets because it’s easy to be spread , not like Grease monkey which we have to install Grease Monkey Plugins.
The way to use is very Easy. Just See the explanation WPAmaNuke ASIN Collector .
Just follow the link above for complete explanation. After you bookmarket tools inside the link. Just open any amazon website. After that just click WPAmanuke ASIN Collector in your toolbar. And the ASIN List will be shown in the right sidebar. After that copy all the ASIN to notepad and collect as many as you can. If you think the ASIN has been enough , just copy it to your Fresh Store Builder.
Category: Free Tools
Amanuke WP PrettyPhoto Plugins
prettyPhoto is a jQuery lightbox clone. Not only does it support images, it also support for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and ajax. It’s a full blown media lightbox. The feature is awesome. But when i try in wordpress theme and and give rel=”” on the href there is a problem on it. After i save the post and edit again the rel become dissapear. That’s why i try to develop wordpress prettyphoto plugin. After 2 days to do some research finally i can make the plugins.
The solution is easy. For rel=”” is replaced with class=”” and the javascript must include hook:”class”. Here is the sample code for javascript :
[message type=”info”]jQuery(“a[class^=’amanuke_prettyPhoto’]”).prettyPhoto({hook: ‘class’});[/message]
and to call the prettyPhoto from html file just do this :
[message type=”custom” width=”100%” start_color=”#FFFCB5″ end_color=”#F4CBCB” border=”#BBBBBB” color=”#333333″]<a class=”amanuke_prettyPhoto” href=”” title=””><img src=”” title=””></a>[/message]
With the solution above , you can use prettyPhoto in any of your posts.
Anyway if you have no programming skills , just use my WPAmaNuke prettyPhoto plugins , You can download from here :
[button text=”Download…” title=”Download…” url=”” align=”left” target=”_blank”]
How To Install
1. Download the plugin archive and expand it if you haven’t already.
2. Put the `wpamanuke_prettyphoto` folder into your `wp-content/plugins/` directory.
3. Go to the Plugins page in your Administration Panel and click “Activate” for WPAmaNuke prettyPhoto
4. Change the settings from WPAmanuke prettyPhoto in the admin area
5. Download PrettyPhoto from
6. Unzip then copy this structure on the plugins/wpamanuke_prettyphoto/ folder:
– /js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js
– /css/prettyPhoto.css
– /images/prettyPhoto
7. Have fun with your blog readers.
2. Put the `wpamanuke_prettyphoto` folder into your `wp-content/plugins/` directory.
3. Go to the Plugins page in your Administration Panel and click “Activate” for WPAmaNuke prettyPhoto
4. Change the settings from WPAmanuke prettyPhoto in the admin area
5. Download PrettyPhoto from
6. Unzip then copy this structure on the plugins/wpamanuke_prettyphoto/ folder:
– /js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js
– /css/prettyPhoto.css
– /images/prettyPhoto
7. Have fun with your blog readers.
How To Use
- Create New Post / Page
- Insert Image from Media Uploader
- Just Find Pretty Photo Property
- Save The Post
- Just See the preview if it works or not
From Step 3
- Choose Open Using PrettyPhoto = yes (if you want to use prettyPhoto)
- Url Lightbox Type = image (anything which you like)
- Fill url image / url link which you want to show
- Fill LinkGroup with example group1 or group2 etc if you want to make group with the images. Don’t fill anything if you don’t want to group it
- Click Save All Changes
- Insert Into Post
Hope you enjoy it. Just give me some inputs to make it better .
Thank you .
Here is the sample :
1. Download the plugin archive and expand it if you haven’t already.
2. Put the `wpamanuke_pretty_photo` folder into your `wp-content/plugins/` directory.
3. Go to the Plugins page in your Administration Panel and click “Activate” for WPAmaNuke prettyPhoto
4. Change the settings from WPAmanuke prettyPhoto in the admin area
5. Download PrettyPhoto from
6. Unzip then copy this structure on the plugins/wpamanuke_prettyphoto/ folder:
– /js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js
– /css/prettyPhoto.css
– /images/prettyPhoto
7. Have fun with your blog readers.